Como Cazar Iguanas En Puerto Rico – ¡Conviértete en un cazador experto!


In the tropical environment of Puerto Rico, iguana hunting is not just a recreational activity, but an ecological necessity. These fascinating reptiles, with their distinctive appearance and adaptation to the Caribbean climate, play a crucial role in balancing local ecosystems.

In this article, we’ll take you through a complete journey, starting with understanding these creatures to how to hunt them effectively and safely.

Knowledge of iguanas


Iguanas are fascinating reptiles that thrive in warm climates, and have particular characteristics that make hunting a unique activity. Cold-blooded, these reptiles usually spend most of the day basking in the sun to warm their bodies and regulate their temperature.

Their ability to climb and swim makes them adapt to different types of environments, so you can find them both in trees and near water sources. Their coloration varies, from bright green to earthy brown, depending on their environment, their age, and their state of health.

This natural camouflage allows them to blend in with the landscape, making hunting an exhilarating challenge. Iguanas are quite large, with a length that can reach up to two meters, including the tail, which represents more than half of their total size.

Their distinguished physical appearance, with spike-like scales on their backs and a dewlap on the underside of their head, makes them easily recognizable among other reptiles.

Iguana Behavior

Comportamiento De Las Iguanas

Understanding iguana behavior can be a decisive advantage when hunting. They are shy creatures who would rather run away than face a threat, which means you need to be stealthy and careful when approaching them to prevent them from escaping.

Iguanas are creatures of habit and very territorial. They usually return to the same places to bask and feed. If you find a place where the iguanas bask in the sun, chances are you can find them there if you come back the next day.

However, their coloration helps them blend in with their surroundings, which can make them difficult to spot. This camouflage, combined with their elusive behavior, makes hunting them an intriguing challenge.

hunting preparation

Choosing the right equipment

Elección Del Equipo Adecuado iguanas

The choice of hunting equipment is a crucial aspect for successful iguana hunting. There are different tools that you can use, such as traps, nets and BB guns. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice should be based on your hunting skills and experience.

Traps and nets can be easier for beginning hunters to use, as they do not require the same skill and precision as airguns.

On the other hand, airsoft guns can be more effective in terms of range and accuracy, but require safe handling and knowledge of local regulations regarding their use. When choosing your hunting equipment, you must take into account safety both for yourself and for the environment and other species that inhabit the area.

Preparations before the hunt

Before embarking on the hunting adventure, make sure you are well prepared. This includes equipment verification, hunting route planning, and preparation for Puerto Rico weather conditions.

It is always advisable to carry enough water to stay hydrated, sunscreen to protect you from the strong tropical sun, and insect repellent to prevent bites from mosquitoes and other insects.

In addition to safety considerations, you should have a basic understanding of where you are going to hunt. Having a map of the area and a mobile phone for emergencies is essential. Iguana hunting in Puerto Rico takes place in full sun and can be physically demanding, so be prepared for heat and humidity.

Location of the iguanas


Finding the iguanas is the first step to a successful hunt. As mentioned above, iguanas prefer areas near water sources and sunny places where they can bask, such as trees.

If you are in an area with a high density of iguanas, you may see several of them resting on tree branches during the day. If you are near a body of water, you might see them swimming or resting on the banks. Keep your eyes peeled, as their camouflage makes them hard to spot.

iguana hunting

Once you have located the iguanas, the next step is to hunt them. Due to their shy nature, iguanas will flee if they sense a threat. Therefore, it is crucial to approach slowly and stealthily.

If you are using an airgun, you must aim accurately before firing to avoid unnecessarily injuring the iguana or damaging its surroundings. If you are using a trap or net, you should strategically place it in the iguana’s path and patiently wait for it to enter it.

after the hunt


Management of captured iguanas

Once the iguana is captured, it is crucial to handle it properly and respectfully. Although iguanas are not poisonous, they can bite or scratch if threatened, and some of their tail strikes can be quite strong.

For your safety, the use of heavy work gloves is recommended when handling a captured iguana. To hold the iguana securely, you must grasp it firmly but carefully by the base of its tail and the back of its head. Do not over-tighten, as this can cause damage.

disposition of iguanas

Iguanas are considered an invasive species in Puerto Rico, which means there are no restrictions on how many you can hunt. However, it is important to treat these creatures with respect and dispose of them responsibly.

You may choose to release them in a place where they won’t cause harm, such as a wilderness area away from residential or agricultural areas. You can also consider using iguana meat, which is known to be tasty and nutritious. If you decide to do this, make sure you do it in a safe and hygienic way.

Frequent questions:

Is it legal to hunt iguanas in Puerto Rico?

Yes, but there are regulations that you must follow.

What is the hunting season?

There is no specific season, since they can be hunted throughout the year.

What species of iguanas can I hunt in Puerto Rico?

Mainly, the green iguana is the most common species and the one that is allowed to hunt.

What is the best time of day to hunt?

The activity of the iguanas is greater in the early hours of the morning and at sunset.

What should I do if I find iguana eggs while hunting?

It is important not to disturb the nests. Notify the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources so they can take appropriate action.

The conclusion

In summary, hunting for iguanas in Puerto Rico can be a challenging but rewarding activity. With the proper preparation and knowledge, you can participate in the management of this invasive species and, at the same time, enjoy the natural beauty that the island of Puerto Rico has to offer.